

Choose your Card Spread and learn the meaning


  • ANKH
Gros Das Ankh


The meaning of the individual places

1+2 = Two present impulses, energies or attitudes, blocking each other, between which the questioner is is crucified:
3 = Early causes.
4 = Triggering cause.
5 = Higher realization.
6 = Necessary consequence.
7 = The next step.
8 = Surprising experiences.
9 = The result.

Gros Das Beziehungsspiel


The meaning of the individual places

1 = The signifier shows the situation in which the relationship finds itself is in; the topic that governs the relationship. The left column (7, 6, 5) stands for the questioner, the right column (2, 3, 4) for the partner. 7+2 = These top two cards show the conscious level on which the partners meet. There you can see what each of the partners and how they consciously assess the relationship. 6+3 = The middle two cards represent the emotional area of the relationship. They show what each person carries in their heart, feels, senses, longs for or fears. 5+4 – The lower cards stand for the appearance, the outward attitude shown to the outside world. This is possibly a façade that is independent of the underlying thoughts (top level) and feelings (middle level).

Gros Das Enstscheidungsspiel


The meaning of the individual places

7 = The signifier. It gives a pictorial representation of the background of the question, the problem or the way in which the questioner to the decision.
3, 1, 5 = These cards show in chronological order what will happen if you do X.
4, 2, 6 = These cards show you chronologically in this order, what will happen if you do not do X.

Gros Das Geheimnis der Hohenpriesterin


The meaning of the individual squares

1+2 = The cross on your chest shows the topic at hand in the form of two main impulses that can reinforce or hinder each other.
The cards 4, 3 and 5 correspond to the three moon phases of her crown and show the forces of influence that affect the theme:
3 = The full moon represents the current main influence.
4 = The waxing moon is the force gaining influence.
5 = The waning moon shows the force that is losing influence.
The two pillars on either side stand for
6 = What is in the dark. What is there, but is not (yet) consciously perceived, but perhaps already suspected or feared. An unconsciously driving force.
7 = What is in the light. What is clearly recognized, expected and usually also appreciated. The moon barque at her feet shows,
8 = Where the journey is going, what comes next.
9 = the book of secret knowledge in her womb, is initially laid out face down. Only after all the other cards have been interpreted, this card is looked at. If it is a Major Arcana, the high priestess reveals a secret and the card is laid out face up. She then reveals the deeper motives behind the question, the why and wherefore of the development. If it is a card of the Minor Arcana, it is covered up again. In this case, the High Priestess has kept her secret to herself. The 9th card then has no meaning and is not counted when determining the quintessence. However, all other cards retain their validity.

Gros Das Partnerspiel


The meaning of the individual squares

Both partners draw three cards at the same time, one after the other, which they
present to each other. When the individual cards are revealed, the respective partner says
1a = This is how I see you.
1b = This is how I see you.
2a = This is how I see myself.
2b = This is how I see myself.
3a = This is how I see our relationship.
3b = This is how I see our relationship.

Gros Das Planetenspiel


The meaning of the individual places

1 = Ascendant demeanor, appearance, current constitution, basic mood, constitution.
2 = Sun Core of being, identity, consciousness, spirit, will, purpose in life, power of self-realization, creative power, vitality.
3 = Mercury Orientation, thoughts, mind, intelligence, eloquence, cunning, astuteness, critical faculty, powers of observation, curiosity.
4 = Moon Mind, feelings, instincts, inner drive, the personal unconscious, impressiveness
personal unconscious, impressionability, longings, needs.
5 = Jupiter Finding meaning, ideals, morals, convictions, confidence, trust, appreciation, awareness of wealth and abundance, faith, success, virtues, sense of justice, generosity.
6 = Saturn Conscience, restrictions, discipline, reliability, distrust, need for security, structure, stability, lack, failure, Poverty, compulsions and inevitabilities, inhibitions, duties.
7 = Mars Assertiveness, conflict readiness, use of energy, self-assertion, will to conquer, aggressiveness, desire to act, willpower, desires, anger, destructive power, sexuality, courage and arrogance. 8 = Uranus Individuality, originality, urge for independence, peculiarities, craziness, eccentricity, scurrility, detachment, ingenuity.
9 = Venus Love ideals, desire for love, kindness, adaptability, need for harmony, devotion, eroticism, Sense of beauty and art, subtlety, the artistic.
10 = Neptune Mediumship, premonitions, mystical inclinations, addictions, Confusions, the nebulous, permeability for the supernatural, Merging with the primordial ground.
11 = Pluto Archaic forces, strength of influence, striving for power, collective unconsciousness
unconscious, deep experience, transformative powers, metamorphosis, hypnosis, powers of healing and destruction, possession.

Gros Das Planspiel


The meaning of the individual places

1 = The signifier. A statement that characterizes the project or a significant hint.
2 = The force (unconsciously) driving the questioner.
3 = External objections or reinforcements.
4 = It will not succeed this way.
5 = This is how it will succeed.

Gros Der astrologische Kreis


The meaning of the individual places

1 = Basic mood: Significant for the way in which the experiences of all other other fields are perceived.
2 = Finances: Security. Dealing with money. Income and expenditure.
3 = Everyday experience: Topics that concern the most extensive area of our lives.
4 = Home: The area in which we feel protected, in which we feel rooted. We know we are rooted. The security we long for, when the outside world becomes too threatening.
5 = Everything that is fun: games and amusements of all kinds. Playing with children, playing with money. The game of love (it only gets serious only in field 7), hobbies.
6 = Work: The current task, the type of work, the working method, the method of work, the daily routine, the content of work, dealing with colleagues.
7 = The partnership: The relationship, the marriage, the lasting love connection.
8 = The background: All taboos and their transgressions. Sexuality in particular, but also occult experiences.
9 = Higher insights: Expanding one’s own horizons through inner and outer journeys. Convictions, insights and certainties and the resulting principles and “good intentions”.
10 = Public recognition: In particular, professional success and the professional future.
11 = Friends: Friendships, friendship ideals, group experiences and hospitality.
12 = Secret hopes and fears: longings and fears that are fears, each of which relates to one or more other areas of the circle.

Gros Der blinde Fleck


The meaning of the individual squares

1 = Unambiguous identity: In the subject area of this card, we perceive ourselves in the same way as others see us.
2 = The blind spot: Behaviors that others perceive in us, without us being aware of them – at least to this extent.
3 = The shadow, the hidden: sides of our nature that we are aware of known to us, but which – for whatever reason – we hide from the eyes of others.
4 = The great unknown: Unconscious processes and unconscious
driving forces that are at work without being known to ourselves or others.

Gros Der nachste Schritt 1


The meaning of the individual places

1 = The initial situation. This is where the questioner is now.
2 = This is not important now. This is neither to be feared nor hope for.
3 = That alone is important now.
4 = This is where the next step leads. As soon as this experience arrives, it is time to lay again.

Gros Der Stern


The meaning of the individual squares

However, they are summarized differently for interpretation:

Three pillars that reflect different levels:
2 and 4, the external, material, physical level. 1 and 6 the conscious, spiritual, recognizing level. 3 and 5 The spiritual, intuitive, instinctive level. The meaning of the individual squares to two triangles, where 1, 4 and 5 stand for the matter, the situation or the question, and 2, 3 and 6 show the questioner and his attitude.

Gros Der Weg


The meaning of the individual places

1 = This is the point. This can be achieved. The left column shows the previous behavior on the following levels:
2 = Conscious attitude and rational behavior. What the questioner has thought, what he has assumed so far.
3 = Unconscious attitude and emotional behavior. Desires, longings, hopes and fears. What the questioner feels or has felt so far.
4 = External appearance. How the questioner appears to others, what impression he makes. Possibly his façade. The right-hand column shows the suggestions for future behavior,
with which the goal can be achieved. The meanings correspond to the places 2 to 4:
7 = Conscious attitude. Suggestion for a new perspective.
6 = Emotional attitude. Indication of which feelings the questioner should
should open up to.
5 = Outer attitude. This is how the questioner should appear. This is what he should do
and recognize.

Gros Die Stufenleiter


The meaning of the individual squares

A total of seven cards are shown as follows.
1= Guardian of the Threshold: Basic requirement that must be acquired or overcome must be acquired or overcome, otherwise the project will fail. If this threshold is overcome, the development continues as follows continues as follows:
2 = Growth-promoting, helpful impulses.
3 = Willpower, perseverance, assertiveness.
4 = Pleasant, gratifying experiences, encounters with or support from others.
5 = Tactically important considerations, mental concept.
6 = Success, long-term result.
7 = Resonance, echo from others.

Gros Die Tur


The meaning of the individual places

1 = The name of the door. This is the point.
2 = The keyhole. An initial idea of what lies behind the door.
3 = The lock. It keeps the door locked so far.
4 = The knob. You need it to open the door.
5 = This leads to the door.
6 = Hopes and fears. The expectations of the person asking what might lie behind the door.
7 = The questioner’s attitude towards the door.
8 = What actually lies behind the door.
9 = Where to find the door.
10 = What happens when the door is opened.
11 = The key to the door, which should match the lock (3).

Gros Inannas Absteig in die Unterwelt


The meaning of the individual places

1 = Inanna, mistress of the sky. The (supposed) light side, which, however only becomes whole and whole through the encounter and acceptance of the shadow side (X).
2 = Neti, chief gatekeeper of the underworld. The reception at the gate to the underworld.
3 to 9 = The seven gates of the underworld, at which Inanna receives the seven jewels and robes she has previously put on. The values, behavior, habits, desires, ideas, etc
3-gate – The Shugurra, the crown of the plane.
4-gate – The measuring stick of lapis lazuli and the measuring line.
5-gate – The Lapis lazuli rope around her neck.
6-gate – The Numuz stones on her chest.
7-Gate – The gold ring on her hand.
8-Gate – The breastplate “Come, man, come”
9-gate – The pala robe of the ruler.
X = Ereshkigal, mistress of the underworld. The shadow side that needs to be redeemed, the dark sister, the black gold to be raised.
11 = Ninschubur, the vizier of Inanna. The helping force, the ally in the upper world.
XII = The food of life. The first revitalizing power.
XIII = The water of life. The second vitalizing power.
XIV = The reborn Inanna. The newfound identity.
15 = Dumuzi, the sacrifice to the underworld.
The meeting of Inanna (1) and Ereshkigal (X) signifies the death of the old
death of the old ego identification (no card).

Gros Leonardo Spiel


The importance of the individual places

The theme
1 = The issue at stake – conscious aspect.
9 = The issue at stake – unconscious aspect.
The base
4 = The basis, the foundation on which the questioner stands.
7 = An action that can strengthen the base.
8 = A realization or insight that can strengthen the base. Can be strengthened.
The goal
2 = The tangible goal.
5 = Its higher meaning.
3 = Hopes and fears.
6 = Unexpected influences.

Gros Das keltische Kreuz


The meaning of the individual places

1 = The origin, the initial situation. What is it about?
2 = Which path is the wrong one? Things you should avoid.
3 = Your conscious side. What you strive for or recognize.
4 = What you feel. Your unconscious side.
5 = The past. What effects are behind a past behind a past matter.
6 = The immediate future. What is coming your way soon?
7 = The symbol for your self, for your emotions and attitudes.
8 = The influences coming at you from the outside world.
9 = Your expectations and fears.
10 = The distant future.

Gros Das Kreuz


The meaning of the individual places

1 = This is the point.
2 = You should not do this.
3 = This is what you should do.
4 = That’s where it leads, that’s what it’s good for.

Gros Das Krisenspiel


The meaning of the individual places

1 = That failed, that was lost, that is the crisis.
2 = That was spared, that helps.
3 = This is the way out.
4 = This is the goal and the refuge.

Gros Das Narrenspiel


The meaning of the individual squares

The cards are laid out as follows:
First, the Fool is removed from the deck. From the remaining 77 cards, which are shuffled as usual and spread out in a fan, the questioner draws out 12 cards, among which he
then shuffles the jester. After the questioner has decided whether the cards are to be revealed “from the top” or “from the bottom ”26 ,all 13 cards are laid out next to each other in order.
The meanings of the individual squares:
The Fool indicates the present point. All the previous cards show past developments, the cards following it point to the future. If The Fool is the first card, this means that the questioner is still at the beginning of a development or a new beginning. If The Fool is the last card, the questioner has completed the development or is at least at the end or has at least reached the end of a significant period of experience.
First look at the cards below the Fool, as the past experiences. Interpret the cards pointing upwards from the Fool as the cards pointing to the future.

Gros Dei Leminskate 1


The meaning of the individual squares

The meaning of the individual places
1+5 = The greatest distance, the greatest difference, the diverging forces.
3+7 = The contact, the similarity, the agreement, possibly the starting point for reconciliation.
2+6 = Intention, will, direction.
4+8 = Inner urge, instinctive driving force.

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The magic spell of the gypsies

The significance of the individual places
However, this is not to say that the informative quality of the cards is not given here. The cards are usually laid out without a specific question, with each card being used to spell below is muttered with each card.
1 = This is your self.
2 = What covers you.
3 = What frightens you.
4 = What drives you.
5 = What stays with you.
6 = What the future brings you.
7 = What forces you to the ground.
You do not interpret the cards true to the wording of this saying, which seems a little too rigid for the sake of rhyme. You understand the the individual squares as follows:
1 = The questioner’s current situation.
2 = What he shows to the outside world.
3 = What he hides behind it.
4 = What he is striving for.
5 = How he is doing and what he is achieving.
6 = What comes next.
7 = What this (all) means to him.

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The meaning of the individual squares

The hexagram is a laying method that works with seven cards. When shuffling the tarot cards, do not concentrate on one question, but let your intuition guide you, because your subconscious already knows what is on your mind.
1 = in the middle: Symbolizes the respective theme
2 = bottom center: Everything emerges from it
3 = bottom right: Shows what is clearly recognizable
4 = bottom left: Represents what is still in the dark
5 = top right: Expression of what is supportive
6 = top left: Shows that which hinders you
7 = top center: Expresses what it all boils down to in the end

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The meaning of the individual squares

The meaning of the individual places
1 = represents the signifier, i.e. the starting point. It represents figuratively represents the background or the topic of your question. It is also an indication of your attitude towards the question and decision making.
2, 3, 4 = indicate what happens or what emotions you will be confronted with you will be confronted with if you choose alternative A
5, 6, 7 = reflect what happens or what emotions you will be confronted with emotions you will be confronted with if you choose the second alternative.
8, 9, 10 = illustrate the consequences if you choose alternative C.

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The meaning of the individual squares

1 = symbolizes the magician’s staff, which prophesies the divine will with its wisdom. However, this card is only interpreted if it is a trump card. Then it says something about the spiritual will behind the matter.
2 = points to your conscious perception of the situation.
3 = what is currently hindering your plans.
4 = clarifies those impulses for you. It may be a brilliant idea or a new approach to a solution.
5 = how you can approach the solution. It therefore clarifies suggestions inner attitude and which concern your own actions, thoughts and feelings. Often some things come to light here that you have not paid much attention to.
6 = makes suggestions about your behavior and actions in certain situations or planned projects.
7 = gives you an outlook on the expected outcome and the associated consequences. It tells you what you need to prepare for next.

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The meaning of the individual squares

1 = It stands for your ego-consciousness and describes how you perceive yourself and your life.
2 = It describes your attitude to the world, i.e. how you perceive your environment and the people in it.
3 = It symbolizes your characteristics. It also shows you both with which you were born, as well as which characteristics are particularly important in your current phase.
4 = It stands for your love life, your desires – also and above all in erotic terms.
5 = It represents your partnership and describes the most important qualities of your partner. Characteristics of your partner. For singles, the card provides information about what qualities the future partner should have to make the relationship a happy relationship.
6 = It describes the phase of life you are currently in. You find out what stage of development you are at, what you have already achieved and what still needs to be achieved.
7 = It draws your attention to inner obstacles – it describes what has hindered your positive development and has so far prevented you from achieving your goals.
8 = It refers to your unconscious, to abilities, talents and characteristics that you were previously unaware of or that you have not encouraged enough. 9 = It provides information about your goal, about the next or even most important task in your life. If you pursue this goal, you are following your destiny.
10 = It describes your future development, shows you what you can expect in the coming months to come, what you can expect.

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The meaning of the individual squares

1 = How do you envision your relationship in the future?
2 = What lies ahead for you
3 = Your problematic qualities, the things you should perhaps work on.
4 = What aspects can make the relationship happy
5 = Area of life that is very important to you
6 = What gives you strength on your own. What comforts and builds you up at the moment.
7 = The development of your relationship desire

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